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Non Inventory

Custom or non inventory items are received in under the Non Inventory tab. Non ordered non inventory items can also be added to this tab. 

Field Description
Order No Purchase order number attached to this line. Selecting a purchase order from the Order No. grid populates all the lines on that order in to this form. Any lines without a received quantity is removed from this grid on save
Part Number Part number populated from the purchase order or entered in the Non Inventory Item Details box that displays when 'Add Non Ordered Item' button is clicked
Description Relevant description from the inventory record and cannot be changed
Qty Expected Quantity outstanding to be received in. Saving recalculates this field and displays as '0' if all stock has been received in.
This Del Qty Quantity received on this slip. Value can be entered by:
  • Record > Receive All Outstanding
  • Typing in the quantity
  • Right mouse click over Qty Expected field and value is populated into This Del Qty
Foreign Currency FX value of the Ex GST unit price. Applicable when receiving from an FX supplier
EX Price Ex GST price from the purchase order, or from the Supply tab if a non ordered item, or is the Last Cost from the Prices tab if a non ordered item from a supplier not purchased from previously
Tax Rate Tax rate from the purchase order or from the inventory record if a non ordered item. If receiving from an FX supplier, the rate is automatically set to 0.00
Tax Amount Total tax on the quantity being received
Inc Price Inc GST price based on the Ex GST price + unit tax
This Del Total Total line GST Inclusive price being received
Ordered Price Ex GST price from the purchase order
Supplier Part Number Creditor part number, populated from the purchase order or from the inventory record, Supply tab for a non-ordered item
Freight,Duty/Insurance Freight, Duty and Insurance can be added to lines and an Adjusted Unit price is used to post to the stock on hand records. The is calculated at Ex GST Unit price + (Freight/Qty Received) + (Duty/Qty Received) + (Insurance / Qty Received). Adding these costs on the line has in most instances, been superceded by Landed Cost. These fields are disabled for FX suppliers
Tax Rate Prompts to the default Acquisition GST rate from the Tax Maintenance record
Tax Amount Total Tax calculated for each cost
Adjusted Cost Ex GST unit price + unit charge for additional costs of Freight, Duty and Insurance - see above
Job No. This is the Job Number details from the Job Costing system populated from the purchase order where applicable or can be selected from the search window attached to this field if appropriate.
Job Description Relevant description for the job number
Job Charge Prompts to the Ex GST line total - can be overwritten
Add Non Ordered
Click this box to load the Non Inventory Item Details box to enter in relevant details

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